“In this time of abundance let’s not forget the people who don’t even dare to dream or smile.” –– S.C. After we have given and received our gifts, celebrated with large family dinners or intimate moments, this time of year always inspires me. I hope that between ceremonies, buying and preparing food, creating table decorations, finding […]
Category Archives: Words
There have been so many gifts I have received over the years, but I find that the sweetest ones are symbolic––like people and a good story, these gifts have many layers. This holiday season, enjoy putting a bit more thought into your gift by selecting something symbolic either in the gift itself or perhaps in […]
How often gifts come to our mind when we speak about giving, especially at this time of the year. However, I find that the greatest gifts are not those which are wrapped in ribbons and shiny paper, but instead come through the time we share, memories we make and experiences we enjoy together. I find […]
Sometimes I’ve gained the greatest wisdom by making what I, and many other people, thought were big mistakes. But they were always cloaked in wisdom. Perhaps you are in the same situation. You believe you’ve made a gigantic mistake. My biggest mistakes often leave me feeling like I’ve failed in some way. Then I can, […]
Many people have whispered wisdom into my life. I believe that wisdom is best received from the wonderful variety of teachers we have in our everyday life as well as the masters who have come before. Whenever I need a change in perspective or greater insight in my life, I usually consult four of my […]
I believe the complete appreciation of the present moment is the greatest wisdom I have ever received. To breathe into the experience of the here and now, the only moment that exists. When I fully embraced this wisdom I stopped wishing any time away and also ceased living in the past. It is easy in […]
“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” –– Thomas Jefferson It is impossible to talk about the price paid to achieve wisdom. Sometimes wisdom comes in an instant through a single moment or turning point! A sudden insight gleaned at the intersection of fate, awareness, understanding, and surrender. Sometimes, wisdom is only […]
Of all the wishes which might have ever been taken, you are my favorite! You are more than hope can ever flourish in my soul… More than the happiness of the whole world combined in one moment… You are the smile, the heartbeat, the feathers of my dreams… You are the petals of all the […]
“I’ve lived through many bad events in my life and know that even the bad things are good. Happiness is always interwoven in the bad things. Life is lived within this dichotomy. Essentially, life is risk.” – S.C. I never remember a moment in my life when I wasn’t risking something! I’m a risk taker […]
Fully Alive — A Joyful Ride I have to admit, like so many women, I always knew there was a chance. But like so many women, I never thought it would be me. I never thought I’d hear those devastating words––you have breast cancer. When a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, she thinks about […]