Many people have whispered wisdom into my life. I believe that wisdom is best received from the wonderful variety of teachers we have in our everyday life as well as the masters who have come before. Whenever I need a change in perspective or greater insight in my life, I usually consult four of my favorite teachers.

“The desire to know your own soul will end all other desires.” –– Rumi

I am continually fascinated by the fact that wisdom is whispered through the ages and changes little. Usually, you hear the phrase that life’s only constant is change. I believe that along with change we could also add wisdom to that list. Wisdom is eternal. What was wise in Rumi’s time resonates with me as a modern, sophisticated woman of the 21st Century. So often in life, I see people who fold themselves into the lives of others, be it relationships or activities. Mindless busyness and dependence on others are insidious habits that cause us to set aside your own desires in favor of the approval of others. This wisdom from Rumi is some of the most vital advice for people who have put their own hopes and dreams on hold simply because they have lost the desire to fully occupy the space that they should take in life. Be curious about your soul and the other areas of your life will fall into place easily.

“No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see the possibilities. Always see them, for they’re always there.” –– Norman Vincent Peale

As a minister, Norman Vincent Peale decided to take the wisdom he learned from studying the Bible and his rich heritage passed down from his minister father to create many ways for people to live life fully. His radio program “The Art of Living” was on the air for 54 years and his books on positive thinking have inspired generations. I love his quote, “Change your thoughts and change your life.” Really the key to our suffering lies within our own stories and perceptions. It has been a joy to learn how to make the most of my life by tapping into the positivity that lies entirely in my control. Choose positivity today and see how your life can change.

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” –– Buddha

The teaching of Buddha has helped me eliminate much of my suffering by fully inhabiting the present moment and realizing how pointless it is to hang onto the past or long for the future. Through the wisdom of the Buddha, I have been able to let go of any anxiety I might have about what is to come and never allow myself to get discouraged about where I’ve been. This wisdom has helped me understand that I am not defined by any one circumstance or perception.

Breathe deeply into your present moments and enjoy life in new ways.

“Whatever you feel, you become. It is your responsibility.” –– Osho

I enjoy the teachings of Osho because they are at once insightful and yet so full of common sense that I feel like I’ve discovered them somewhere before deep within my own experience.

When teachings like this run so true, the wisdom can provide powerful transformation. This teaching places our circumstances within our control and has the power to transform confusion into clarity. When we understand what we have control over, it makes it possible for us to recognize how to change our lives in ways that matter and we become aware of the things that we can surrender. It is wise to know where our effect and purpose begin and where they end so that we can allow other people to fully inhabit their lives and responsibilities. By taking responsibility for your feelings, you can enjoy a new kind of freedom and transform confusion into clarity in your life.

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